The re-elected Vice-Presidents Prof. Georg Pohnert (l.) and Prof. Uwe Cantner.

Consistency in the University Management

Vice Presidents Uwe Cantner and Georg Pohnert re-elected at the University of Jena
The re-elected Vice-Presidents Prof. Georg Pohnert (l.) and Prof. Uwe Cantner.
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)

Published: | By: Axel Burchardt
Source article

At the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, two Vice-Presidents were unanimously re-elected on 11 July 2023 - or, as the law states, appointed by the President from among the members of the university in agreement with the Senate. Prof. Dr Uwe Cantner remains Vice President for Young Researchers, Equality and Diversity Management, Prof. Dr Georg Pohnert continues as Vice President for Research. Their three-year term of office begins on 16 October 2023. 

Prof. Dr Kim Siebenhüner, Vice President for Learning and Teaching, will return to academia at the end of her term. The term of office of the Vice-President for Digitisation Prof. Dr Christoph Steinbeck, who has been a member of the Executive Board since last year, will run until August 2025.

The re-election of the Vice-Presidents ensures that the University's leadership will remain in experienced hands after my retirement.

 President Prof. Dr Walter Rosenthal


The medical doctor will leave the Friedrich Schiller University during the winter semester 2023/24 and will then devote himself exclusively to his office as President of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK).

Uwe Cantner has been Professor of Economics, especially Microeconomics, at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena since 2000 and Professor of Economics at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, since 2010. Cantner has been a member of the German Federal Government's Expert Commission on Research and Innovation since 2015 and has held its chair since 2019. This is the 63-year-old economist's fourth term as Vice President.

In 2007, Georg Pohnert came to the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, where he holds a professorship for bioorganic analytics. The successful scientist has also been a Max Planck Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology since 2015 and is active in the Cluster of Excellence "Balance of the Microverse". The 55-year-old has been Vice President for Research since 2019.