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Image: Roman Gerlach

When dealing with research data, researchers and infrastructures are repeatedly confronted with legal issues. At this point, we would like to draw your attention to current new developments on this topic.

Forschungsdatenmanagement und Recht - a guide to legal issues in research data management

A 300-page volume (German) from the datajus project that addresses various legal issues against the backdrop of the data lifecycle of research data and attempts to identify possible strategies for avoiding legal problems. More information is available hereExternal link.

Virtual Assistant (iVA) 2

BERD@NFDIExternal link published iVA 2, the second part of the interactive Virtual Assistant (iVA). It supports researchers with regard to consent and data handling. Click here for the articleExternal link.

Open licenses for research data

An article on open licenses for research data (German) evaluates and reviews licensing models in the field. 

Brettschneider, P., Axtmann, A., Böker, E., & von Suchodoletz, D. (2021). Offene Lizenzen für Forschungsdaten: Rechtliche Bewertung und Praxistauglichkeit verbreiteter Lizenzmodelle. O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal / Herausgeber VDB, 8(3), 1–22. link

Decision tree: Copyright issues and the publication of research data (TU Dresden)

Researchers are guided through this complex decision treeExternal link (German) by questions about the copyright of research data.

EOSC-Pillar Legal Compliance Guidelines for Researchers: a Checklist

The EOSC-Pillar projectExternal link published guidelines in the form of checklistsExternal link to help researchers comply with legal requirements for publishing, sharing, and integrating research data.